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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
of dog fece right into that monster's mouth!
She's brought her own orrery!
that Kewpie doll voice that drives the boys crazy.
♪ Hey-diddly hell-diddly
Jeepers creepers, pop my peeper!
The word "tarp," of course, is short for "tarpaulin,"
Get your razz on!
My mustache fell out; this is a clip-on.
The word "tarp," of course, is short for "tarp,"
Give him one of your famous murmur, Marge.
so I put this chinchilla coat on you.
reading, refreshment and Raspberry Buzz Lite.
When I was a boy, teachers would rap my knuckle with a yardstick.
♪ Hey-diddly hell-diddly
It is that monster that terrorize the jolly fat man!
Did this fat boy injure his eye in shop class?
with any desire, and nothing was forbid?
What if I homeschool?
We're here because our daughter is being bullied by your teacher.
I'm hop-scotch from paragraph to paragraph,
- Bathroom break! - I spill my pills!
I wish you wouldn't wear sweaters that the senior ladies knit.
- I remind you of you? - Now you've got a demerit.
Now, do you mind if I pray at your bedside?
She is suffer from severe...
They don't know it, but I slip a little
Well, while you're grading so generously, here's mine.
I will lead you safely across.
You two are the worst-dressed gay men I've ever met.
You're trying to get ahead of the other children.
This place is a highly-sensitive area.
Lisa, sometimes you just don't like a person.
But the storytelling is finally catching up to the technology.
That's pretty aggressive.
Maybe you could transfer Ms. Cantwell to another school.
or was it recently thrown together?
not what we'll actually do.
I will lead you safely across.
that you and I aren't getting along.
Something's fishy. Are you dating this boy?
Ned, Homie's a little cranky right now.
resilient, water-resistant material.
Neither canonical nor comical.
It is that monster that terrorizes the jolly fat man!
Now, you can shatter my orbital bone.
I was shocked to hear from Principal Skinner
Look, kids can be cruel, Dick.
Please let it be someone smart, motivated,
If I'm not as good as you, then I'm horrible!
Now you've got the metric system.
That's pretty aggressive.
I can't be around him 'cause he's so delicious.