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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
Busboy, that breadbasket napkin's so opened up,
Can a 35-year-old busboy's life get any better?
A lot of bobber then.
Grampa's army footlocker!
I didn't wander off, ya big fat salami!
Happy anni... birth... entine...
Beneath his mediocrity there was genius.
I guess my honky-tonkin' days are over.
point to the leftovers,
If it's any consolation, we'll probably find him
Spats, sock garter, the world's hardest hard candy...
Busboy, that breadbasket napkin's so opened up,
The one safe place left in this world of woe:
because I'd be pretty devastate right now.
when the river thaw in the spring.
♪ When you waltz in the place
But you never hear about the ruin lives
they lend it to other people!
You got any scent candles?
I can't say all is forgive, but most is forgotten.
They have heal much too quickly.
Homer, she's married to your dad!
♪ Yeah, you'd better call the doctor before we embrace... ♪
That settle it. No banks for me.
Well, just what attract you to my father?
We celebrate in your hospital room.
they sorta stopped buying.
someday, but who knows anymore.
You've been doing that an awful lot lately.
More importantly, it's a college fund.
someday, but who knows anymore.
There's gotta be a clue in here somewhere.
Your father's not going to be around forever.
Well, we certainly don't want to cause you any more pain.
Faster than you'd think.
You must have nearly a million dollars!
There's exactly one Rita Lafleur
They have healed much too quickly.
Sometimes you gotta hit the minor keys.
I'm payin' for 'em.
like a nosey reporter or an undercover cop.
where the FDIC can't get its grubby little hands on it!
Pushy sign! Don't tell me what to try!
and I got sick of waitin' for ya!
Flimsy lead, take me away!
It's just that in today's multichannel environment,
Ow! This is the worst pain imaginable!
Oh, it's hopeless!
you can see everything! Disgusting!
Oh, man, this is priceless, but I can't keep it up.
My dad was an aspiring songwriter like Charles Manson?
This room is like a museum of meaningless old crap.