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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
Oh, it's hurting my... (gibber)
(Homer grunting) (Bart snickering)
HOMER: What about those Mars nutjob?
Most of our candidates are of the egghead loner variety.
Trudge-Rite Work Boots,
(garbage disposal whir)
There's got to be a limit to their stubbornness, right?
has sullied and cheapened space forever.
I rehydrated it with love.
What is it about boys and their coddled eggs?
has sullied and cheapened space forever.
Flanders has freshly-pooped eggs,
(chickens squawk) BART: I got one.
(chickens cluck)
obsess over unlikely catastrophes.
(Comic Book Guy exhale)
Mom, doesn't it frighten you
for morbidly obese astronauts.
who's bravely going to Mars eventually.
Flanders has freshly-pooped eggs,
(whirs softly)
(humming happily)
sooner or later Lisa will lose interest in her terrible idea.
the first privately-funded, manned mission to Mars.
Oh, Homer, surely you know
Ha! Hardly.
I guess we don't need our chickens anymore.
This is the stupide idea we ever had!
BOTH (chanting): Coddled! Coddled! Coddled!
feeds us their unfertilized babies?
friendless middle children, that sort of thing.
Don't let these feathery fellas ruffle your feathers, fella.
that we almost went to Mars out of shee stubbornness?
Who wants to take a one-way trip to a barren, lifeless rock?
BARRY: The hab study is complete.
We made a solemn promise to Fig Glutens
Who wants to take a one-way trip to a barren, lifeless rock?