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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
(Homer retching)
(kids shouting playfully, noisemaker honking)
(slurring): Nelson, honey,
You realize that saying that is gonna make this mom work her keister off
WIGGUM: Yeah, I know Ralphie's birthday is coming up.
(footstep echoing)
What?! No! She's the linchpin!
Finger kisser! Mwah!
(kids shouting playfully, noisemaker honking)
(engine revving, tires squealing)
If I get heckled, I'll say, "Get a half-life!"
(Bart belch) starting with my two stupid sister-in-laws.
(whimper, shuddering)
(engine revving, tires squeal)
Homer? (muffled): Aw, what?
(audience continues to mutter in excitement)
But just in case, I'll defrost a failure ham.
(trembling): Oh... eeh...
(kids shouting playfully, noisemaker honking)
(nervously): Uh, okay, I need a location.
(audience laughing) Wow. It all magically fits.
something has gone horribly, horribly wrong.
(footsteps echoing louder)
you don't want to accidentally undermine him like last time.
Everything that's supposedly spontaneous
Only the author of the best book I intend to read someday.
(Homer hums happily)
(quietly): Fear of public speaking
Kids are ungrateful, that's their job.
You like your eggs a little runny don't you? What?
Loveless marriage!
(squeaky voice): What the hell is your problem, idiot!
(startled grunt)
Everyone is terrified of public speaking.
(in goofy voice): Hey, Reverend.
and become, say, a suicidal auctioneer.
Three Long Island iced teas, please.
(stunned gasp)