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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
STEWARDESS: Oxygen masks on.
Prisons are still made of mud and wattle, right?
I overslept, lost my cell phone, missed my flight.
(Barney belch)
(tires screech)
I was kneel on the affirmation rug they gave me.
Yeah, theyre the perfect combination of work and binge drinking.
I never unpack from the time we went to Hawaii.
Geez, I don't know. (Lenny vomit)
(deep Southern accent): Uh, how y'all doin'?
Ta-da! Pork chops crust with Cheeto dust.
I still haven't forgive you for putting that dead goat in my bed.
And she's with her frumpy friend I always have dinner with when you two disappear.
the plant where I work poison our water and our air.
26 October 2017