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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
If you examine your "Krusty Kit,"
I buried all my whoopee cushions in the backyard.
Don't want any troublemaker on our submarine.
Buon compleanno, Squiduardo!
♪ When you've reached the mountaintop ♪
Submerge! Periscope!
ruble, renminbi, baht-- but they all mean money,
♪ They smoke and toke and smoke ♪
Excuses are like handkerchief; everybody's got one.
rubles, renminbi, baht-- but they all mean money,
Pranks, inside use of outside voice, off-color whistling,
Fire that torpedo, Milhouse.
memorize anything, improv or tell a joke.
♪ As you mosey through the school ♪
E 'una mina della seconda guerra mondiale,
unstuck from the cassette player.
(Barney belch)
My whole life, she's belittle me.
(tires squeal)
(tires screech, horn drones)
(siren wail)
♪ They toke
(imitate Mother): Seymour, I'm going out for a walk.
OBAMA (on splice recording): This is... Barack Obama!
and you're stricken from the list.
(school bell rings) (laughs, hums triumphantly)
Chief, that was awfully arbitrary.
Just go upstairs and shut the door.
Someday I may have to fake my own death.
(chuckles sadly)
I woke up and, surprisingly, Mother wasn't there beside me.
Wherever that is.
Not anymore, he ain't.
Hey, I bet that submarine isn't so fun anyway.
♪ You are feeling pretty smug
Maybe you're just getting stronger!
Maybe deep down, I'm glad.
But instead,
BART (nasally voice): Hold for the president.
I don't want to sound ungrateful,
♪ You are feeling pretty smug
(Irish flute plays melancholy tune)
(booming thud)
are dissatisfied with my 75% cut of your take.
Muddy footprints on the school floor. (gasps)
It was just imaginary.
Sorry, but Dick Fiddler is allergic to potatoes.
Die, Nazi octopus, die!
Wait a minute, I knew you were a neat freak, Skinner,
what's your favorite food to eat when you're disappointed?
Unauthorized meat-a-pult. Off the list!