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Dan Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer
the seeds of his comeuppance
Maybe we should just light sparkler in the backyard.
How's that, kiddo?
Please welcome fleet-footed phenom, Bart Simpson.
GIUSEPPE: Congratulations, you have ruined a beautiful song.
No firework?!
Hey, this gunpowder, it has a-crystal meth in it.
Well, it looks like Milhouse has traumatic amnesia.
Right in the nnn... fff... dee...?
Yoink. Ha-haw!
Meow, meow, maybe.
MARGE: Lisa! Bath time!
Oh, enough doom and gloom!
But we outlive the brave.
LISA: While Bart was being outwit by a baby,
Milhouse?! (scoff)
The same boy who sprain his shoulder
♪ A-till the fear in me subside... ♪
After Korea, I was drown in boobies.
GIUSEPPE: I apologize to Dan Hill
The eggs are supposed to be toss between students,
GIUSEPPE: Congratulations, you have ruin a beautiful song.
Can't this stupid city entertain me one night a year?!
I swear.
(dog bark)
(metal clanging rhythmically) Last day of school!
the fireworks someplace else.
Homer was happily surrounded
Nicely done.
Now drive slowly and a-carefully
Seriously, what-what's transpiring?
Good-bye forever, multiplication!
Go ahead.
And that's exactly what he did.
I've got to set things straight.
Completely deserved!
Perhaps I should take my action to Willie.
♪ Sometimes when we touch
Oh, thank God-- a rickety bridge.
And now the climactic Race around the School.
Please welcome fleet-footed phenom, Bart Simpson.
(playing upbeat melody)
And if you're dissatisfied
(deep voice): Marvelous!
did I sell to them Colombian drug lords?
Well, it looks like Milhouse has traumatic amnesia.
I can't stand to see my family unhappy
Okay, coarse gunpowder, get the ball in there,
leaving your beloved hometown.
But we outlive the brave.
than the magical little man