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Well, if you weren't such a klutz,
Had to pull my cheesy poof casserole from the oven.
Ice Bear thinks amputation necessary.
Blimp, catapult, bandage.
Coming, fella. Sorry about that.
Oh, that was his, um, spleen!
Had to pull my cheesy poof casserole from the oven.
Let me go fiddle with it.
Behind me, you dummy!
I've got plain, barbecue, sour cream and onion.
Now use this cane to keep off it.
Wha-- How the heck are we going to do that?
Oh! Why, Pan Man, you don't have a snack.
He's your best bud. He'll listen to you.
I'll send for the specialist surgeon right away.
Dude, gross! I don't want your feet-chips!
Okay, just give this a little twist.
Ice Bear disappointed. The spell is broken.
Ice Bear disappoint. The spell is broken.
So you have deceive me. You are no heir to the throne.
It always heal fine, like my elbow.
What was --- Oh, he's steal a patient!
Bent it weird last week, now it's good as new.
Ice Bear: All of Ice Bear's ideas involve fireworks.
You bet I can, Pan Man! I'll make you proud!
Why are you dress like --
I guess that -- that's fine.
Don't you worry, guys. I'll have this fix in no time.
Yeah, it does seem kind of bad.
Yeah, but I hear he has blue blood.
Ice Bear disappointed. The spell is broken.
Thank you - for what you've done so far.
♪ We'll be there when you turn that corner ♪
Oh, man, we are so fire.
You know how I feel about people.
Let's go put this thing back up.
♪ Wherever we are, there's some fun to be found ♪
The bad news is that literally everything is wrong with you.
Doing okay, Panda?
Okay, Pan Pan, this is definitely going to work.
Almost. Just got to test your blood sample.
Maybe Charlie can actually help us fix something for once.
Yeah, it does seem kind of bad.
Hurry, guys! It's starting soon!
You know what? - I'll catch you guys later.
Thank you - for what you've done so far.
It feels better than ever.
Maybe Charlie can actually help us fix something for once.
It always heals fine, like my elbow.
Look at me. I've never been better.
Now remind me again, Pan Man,
He's too hysterical! Get the gas!
It must be a brand-new technique. - Of course.
The satellite dish must be down again.
Yeah, he's delirious. Take him to op room 3.
I've got plain, barbecue, sour cream and onion.
This is my fault. Me and my dumb foot.
Ooh! I am nervous, boys.
Please, please, so excited to be here.
Bent it weird last week, now it's good as new.
Charlie, are you okay?
Dude, gross! I don't want your feet-chips!
You bet I can, Pan Man! I'll make you proud!
I'll send for the specialist surgeon right away.
I'm doing amazing! I can see everything!
Let's see. Possible broken foot.
That's it, big guy. Take deep breaths.
Okay, just look normal.
Ooh, this is my favorite show right here!
Ah, that's real nice, buddy.
Oh, yeah, guys. I'm fine.
I think that's enough gas.