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Congrats, Rangers, you are now all expert spelunker,
about the stalactite above us?
Yes, it is a rose - winged grasshopper, sir.
Pretty good likeness, huh?
You know I'm a distraction 24/7.
Whoa. - It can jump 20 times Whoa. Whoa.wn body.
I mean, the path is barely like two paw wide.
Now fall in, troop.
Or is it more of a loft?
I have no regret, sir.
Thank goodness.
[ Laughter ] Jump rope, old soda can, no.
Can anyone identify this insect?
If you want to be a serious ranger like me,
This wall of ammonite fossil has been untouched
Those are vampire bats.
I did it for the badge.
Girls, you've shown incredible courage today,
This wall of ammonite fossils has been untouch
Grizz, those are endanger!
And I'm so proud of how much each of you have accomplish.
Maybe if I dump some of this useless junk.
We're -- We're trap.
This adventure was suppose to be for you girls,
but I bet these girls
How will they learn if they're never push?
Sure. I guess.
You know, they eat blood and junk,
Lucky for you, - this cave expert speak bat.
Okay, are we all -- wait, where's Wallace?
You hear that, girls? Formation three!
I think I agree with bear guy.
Thank goodness.
Uh, you led us this far, haven't you?
Let's keep it moving. Fly!
you eminently throwable child!
♪ Wherever we are, there's some fun to be found ♪
I mean, the path is barely like two paws wide.
I know I have a camera in here somewhere.
It's, uh, well, it's definitely a standard cave --
You absolutely were not a cave expert before,
but you certainly are now.
and do exactly as I say from now on.
Forward march!
We're almost there!
Actually, he should have been here by now.
I'm sorry about the eye, though, Wallace.
These girls have come so far,
Together: ♪ Poppy Rangers have no fear ♪
At least they're all safe.
And, Grizz, you should never shout like that in here.
[ Rumbling ] - Are too.
Of course I'm sure!
Easy, we're not falling into a bottomless pit!
Maybe if I dump some of this useless junk.
Assorted trash. [ Groans ]
My brave Poppy Rangers, all summer,
Sure, you're a little intense at times,
Tabes: Why don't you guys look excited?
Girls, you've shown incredible courage today,
so be careful, gang.
You are awesome. Ah, you're okay.
Yeah, but a true Poppy Ranger's also alive.
And I'm so proud of how much each of you have accomplished.
Whoa-oh! - Hold on tight.
I mean, - it's all bright and shiny.
you know, wet, dark...
Congrats, Rangers, you are now all expert spelunkers,
If you want to be a serious ranger like me,
It's gone now. You're safe.
We're fine, but we all need to be more careful.